Veterans, disabled; report on purchases from businesses owned by, 231.29
health care information, state collection and dissemination HEALTH CARE INFORMATION, STATE COLLECTION AND DISSEMINATION
Assessments to fund operations of health services department, 153.60
Charges for care, required disclosures, 146.903
Civil liability, 153.76
Immunity for providers submitting information to state under chapter 153, 153.77
Collection and dissemination:
Generally, 153.05
Data organization, contract contingency, 153.455
Patient confidentiality, 153.50
Release of data, 153.45, 153.46
Provision of special information, user fees, 153.65
Reports to governor and legislature, 153.10, 153.22
Uncompensated health care services report, 153.20
Confidentiality and rules violations:
Civil liability, 153.76
Criminal liability, 153.78
Consumer guide, 153.21
Rule making, 153.75
health care institutions HEALTH CARE INSTITUTIONS
health care liability HEALTH CARE LIABILITY
health care records HEALTH CARE RECORDS
health clubs HEALTH CLUBS
health maintenance organizations HEALTH MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS
health officers HEALTH OFFICERS
health services department HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT
Administrative contested case hearings, 227.43
Advisory bodies, 15.04
Appropriation, 20.435
Capital improvement debt authorization, 20.866 (2) (v)
Report to governor and legislature, 15.04, 49.265 (6)
Benefits, electronic transfers, 46.028
Controlled substances board;
Creation, membership, 15.405 (5g)
Diversion control, duties, 961.36
Injunction against certain nonnarcotic substances, 961.11 (6) (b)
Issue research permits, 961.335
Marijuana, investigational drug permit, distribution by prescription, 961.34
Objection to federal law controlling substance, hearing, decision, 961.11 (4)
Substance schedules, authority to control, 961.11
Emergency medical services board:
Creation, membership, 15.195 (8)
Duties, 256.04
Collection and deportation counsel, 46.10 (7)
Blindness, council on:
Creation, membership, 15.197 (2)
Duties, 47.03 (9)
Deaf and hard of hearing, council for:
Creation, membership, 15.197 (8)
Duties, 115.372 (2)
General provisions, 15.09
Public health council:
Creation, membership, 15.197 (13)
Duties, 250.07
Trauma advisory council:
Creation, membership 15.197 (25)
Duties, 256.25
Creation, 15.19
Documents, exchange with other states, countries, 35.86
Funds, disbursement, 46.018
Acceptance, 46.03 (2a)
Disabilities, persons with; specialized programs for, 47.03 (2)
Health information, various officials and physicians to provide, 146.15
Lands, condemnation, easements, leases, sales, purchases, 46.06
Legal actions, 46.017
Legal services, justice dept. to furnish, 165.25 (4) (bn)
Milwaukee County enrollment services unit, 49.825
Powers and duties:
Generally, 46.02, 46.03
Alcoholism, 51.45 (3), (4)
Health care liability, rule-making authority, 655.004
Institutions, purchases, bills, audits, payments, 46.09
Lands; condemnation, easements, leases, sales, purchases, 32.02, 46.06
Mental health, generally, 51.03
Protective services, 55.02
Religious organizations, contracts with, 46.027